Kindle vs Paper

When I posted the question "Kindle or Paper?" on my Facebook page recently, the overwhelming response from my friends both young and old was in favor of "paper." This surprised me, especially since a large number of the responses came from the 19-25 age group.

So when Amazon announced that Kindle books have overtaken paperbacks, I was taken aback. 

"In fact, for every 100 paperback books sold, Amazon has sold 115 Kindle books since the beginning of the year," the company said.

Admittedly, I want one because of the convenience factor.  Easier to carry a Kindle than an 800 page turner.  But certainly I draw the line at taking it to the beach.

One friend had this to say: "I love the convenience and instant gratification of my Kindle... not having to wait to scan the words of a book I really want to know more about.... but there is nothing like the paper. The smell and the texture of the pages in my fingertips. I like them all... just give me words!"

I have to agree, just give me something to read.