Why Dont We Teach Kids How to Use CTRL+F? - Education - GOOD - StumbleUpon

Why Dont We Teach Kids How to Use CTRL+F? - Education - GOOD - StumbleUpon

Every school district in the country has strict standards for the essential English, math, science, and history content students must master. As early as elementary school, students also are expected to develop basic research skills, like how to use a book's table of contents or index. But many schools don't mandate knowing how to use a computer, word processing and database software, and internet research tools. Yet those just might be the most important skills they can learn.
Dan Russell, a Google "search anthropologist" who studies how everyday people search for information online, told The Atlantic last week that 90 percent of people don't know that they can use CTRL or Command+F to find a word in a document or web page. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I learned that a LONG time ago. It has probably saved me hours over the years...
